Week of February 18, 2007
Enrico Rosa - electric & acoustic guitars, mellotron, vocals
Mauro Sarti - drums, bongos, flute, vocals
Alfredo Barducci - french horn, organ, piano, flute, vocals
Paul Richard - bass, vocals
C. Felice Marcovecchio - drums, vocals
Campo Di Marte – 1973, United Artists 29497
CD: Mellow (MMP181), 1994
Their eponymous album contained well-arranged progressive rock with heavy
electric guitars, contrasting with the more lyrical flute and organ. Other
musical ingredients are provided by the French horn (uncommon), classical
acoustic guitar and massive percussion. Most parts are instrumental and clearly
influenced by the composition techniques of 19th Century classical music. The
album is a united work in 7 parts featuring strong melodies, dynamic musical
contrasts and an omnipresent romantic spirit. It's one of the very best Italian
records from 1973.
Taken from Scented Gardens of the Mind - A guide to the Golden Era of Progressive Rock (1968-1980) in more than 20 European Countries, by Dag Erik Asbjørnsen, Borderline Productions, ISBN 1-899855-12-2